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Sie Arbeiten im Einkauf oder der Geschäftsführung? Wir kennen die Probleme und Herausforderungen der Beschaffung von Medizinprodukten im Gesundheitssektor. Sparen Sie Zeit, Geld und Energie mit uns.
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Concentrate on the essentials. The knowledge you gain from our advice enables you to better anticipate bottlenecks and price changes.
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Protect yourself and your team with quality-tested and certified masks.
Jennifer P.
Purchasing Manager in a Hospital Group
“The fact that our purchase costs have fallen by 29% thanks to is more than surprising to us.”
Mario L.
Purchasing Manager of a Dax Company
“You saved us a small fortune. Since the quality was top notch it was an easy decision for us. “
Deputy Head of Corporate Finance in the Swiss Market Index
“Your bulk delivery was within 48 hours. It was 37.8% cheaper than the next more expensive offer. Thanks a lot for this.”